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  • 恐怖片
    建筑师乔纳森·里弗斯(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)和妻子安娜(钱德拉·韦斯特 Chandra West 饰)正满心欢喜等待新生命的到来。然而一场车祸过后,安娜离奇失踪,生死不明,乔纳森的人生从此跌入谷底。在他最为悲痛之际,一个名叫雷蒙德·普里斯(伊恩·迈克内斯 Ian McNeice 饰)的男人出现在乔纳森面前,他声称可以通过EVP技术让乔纳森听到妻子的声音。所谓“EVP”,即“超自然电子噪声现象”(Electronic Voice Phenomena),通过它可让生者与死者建立联系。 为了再次听到安娜的声音,从来不相信任何灵异学说的乔纳森购置了相关设备,潜心研究EVP。在与妻子沟通的过程中,却不知危险正慢慢向他逼近……
  • 恐怖片
    A trio of beautiful private-duty nurses that practice more than the medical arts must confront underground drug traffickers, racism and murder in their local hospital.@www.molikan.com
  • 恐怖片
  • 恐怖片
    Hayley Udall tries to make ends meet for herself and her 14 year-old daughter while providing alimony for a horrible ex-husband. She wishes her problems with her ex could go away, and upon venting her frustrations one night, finds herself tangled up in a pact with two people (Melanie and Kevin) to "eliminate" each other's problems. It seemed innocent wishful thinking before, but as people end up dead-including Hayley's ex-husband-Hayley is trapped to fulfill the pact or risk taking the fall for murder. She tries to clear her name but the police (led by Detective Marks) is eyeing her for her ex-husband's death as well as others. Then Melanie abducts Hayley's daughter as leverage for Hayley to follow through and kill one last person. With Detective Marks trying to find the truth, Hayley must hurry to save her daughter and find a way to avoid murder.
  • 恐怖片
    在影片《禁闭男童》中,因患上未知疾病,一名男童(查理·肖特韦尔饰)必须过与世隔绝的生活,并日渐衰弱。 他的父母(凯利·蕾莉和马克斯·马蒂尼饰 )在用尽一切办法之后,将儿子的生命托付给一位医生(莉莉·泰勒饰 )。这位医生在她洁净的房屋设施中试验的前沿治疗也许是男童伊莱最后的希 望。在接受那些可能治愈他的激烈治疗时,伊莱开始感到焦虑不安,他的经历让他自问可以相信谁,这座房子里到底隐藏着什么。