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  • 喜剧片
    一个有抱负的时装设计师努力寻找成功和爱。 这个故事总是在每年同一天切入她的生活:她的生日。
  • 恐怖片
    A beautiful woman, named Zita, who has many issues, is aging and seeks an Egyptian goddess' help. After pledging her allegiance, Zita is instructed to kiss the mummy remains of the evil sorceress, Hor Shep Sut. This awakens the mummy, and the murders begin.
  • 恐怖片
    又一部聚焦曼森杀人案的电影来了,希拉里·达芙将主演《难以忘怀的莎朗·塔特》(The Haunting of Sharon Tate),饰演莎朗·塔特。1969年8月9日,时为导演罗曼·波兰斯基妻子的塔特和4位朋友在比弗利山庄的豪宅中被杀人狂查尔斯·曼森和追随者残忍杀死,距离她分娩仅剩2周。塔特被捅了16刀,凶手用她的血在家门口写下了“猪”的字样。 乔纳森·本内特饰演塔特有保护欲的前男友兼密友,莉迪亚·赫斯特也参演。Daniel Farrands自编自导,从塔特的角度来讲述在被谋杀之前她的最后时光。故事情节从塔特的一段采访中汲取灵感,在事发一年前,塔特透露她梦到鬼魂萦绕在她的房里,并预见到自己死在邪恶的邪教手中。由Skyline Entertainment投资和制作,Lucas Jarach和Eric Brenner担任制片人。
  • 恐怖片
      “After being embarrassed by the mean girls at school, Faye, a practicing witch, summons the evil Cupid to take revenge on all those who wronged her. On Valentine’s Day, Cupid does in fact rise and will stop at nothing until the walls are covered in blood. The students must figure out a way to stop Cupid and undo the spell before their hearts get broken… literally.”