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  • 恐怖片
  • 恐怖片
    被杰森杀害了双亲的汤米(汤姆·马修斯 Thom Mathews 饰)在一个雨夜,与好友来到墓地,他们将杰森的坟墓打开,试图烧毁尸体泄愤,突然天降闪电击中杰森的尸体,在汤米惊异的眼光中,杀人狂杰森居然复活了!大惊失色的汤米向当地的加里斯探长(David Kagen 饰)求援,但后者认为杰森已成历史,汤米的表现不过是精神病的后遗影响。在这个黑色星期五的夜里,杰森回到水晶湖营地——如今这里已经改名为绿森林,似乎是为了把那些恐怖的往事遗忘——对来这里参加露营的人们以及营地辅导员们大开杀戒,加里斯探长认为凶手是已经走火入魔的汤米,而此时此刻,汤米在加里斯女儿梅根(Jennifer Cooke 饰)协助下,试图将杰森再次送回地狱……
  • 恐怖片
    Last Rights is a supernatural drama that explores the struggle of those who have answered an ad and accepted a deal from a man named Concord. Concord negotiates to allow access to Nirvana, where all worldly troubles disappear. In exchange, those who accept the deal must give him all of their possessions and stay in a house for one week. In the house are four caretakers who test each participant to see if they qualify for Nirvana or if they end up in the graveyard behind the house. The series explores and questions faith, morality, tolerance, and common sense; these are the tests of the caretakers. At the end of each week, Concord returns to the house to evaluate the test results of the participants to decide the fate of each guest and of the caretakers. Set in small town America, at the end of a charming little street. This house has stood here long before anyone can remember, or anyone can forget. It has it's own personality and once inside you truly understand what that means. Whole floors will appear and vanish, walls will move, and artifacts will be uncovered, all so the house can show you your purpose for being there. Not even the caretakers can truly understand or control the will of the house. It is truly the key to all the answers that the caretakers and guests are looking for. In season one, the house, which we find out, is possessed with the spirit of Concord's mother and Concord are waging a war of power to control the house. Caught in the middle are the guests as well as the caretakers. "Mother" and Concord alike will use these people as pawns to gain the upper hand. All this, as the caretakers try and conduct their "business as usual". Not to mention a graveyard full of spirits trying to get out. Everyone battling to keep their Last Rights!
  • 恐怖片
    某个有些阴霾的日子,军人之女莎拉(杰西卡·朗德斯 Jessica Lowndes 饰)和好友梅尔(茱莉安娜·奎尔 Julianna Guill 饰)、科里(瑞恩·多诺荷 Ryan Donowho 饰)、萨尔(杰克·威尔瑞 Jake Weary 饰)及布鲁斯(兰顿·李伯伦 Landon Liboiron 饰)相约驾机前往另一个城市看Coldplay的演唱会。莎拉胆大妄为,独自承担驾机任务。路途中充满欢乐,只有布鲁斯似乎总有隐隐的担忧。他们的欢乐没有持续太久,意外很快发生。飞机的升降舵出现问题,被迫驶入一片厚厚的雨云之中,燃油很快耗尽,重要部件相继结冰,飞机随时坠毁。 经过一番努力,飞机总算恢复控制。但更恐怖的事随之发生,天空中出现了一只巨大的章鱼……