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  • 动作片
    加贝(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)是一名高山抢险队队员,对于他来说,不断的征服一座又一座看似高不可攀的山巅就是人生的全部意义所在。然而,在一次行动中,由于加贝的疏忽导致了朋友意外坠山而亡,心中充满了愧疚与悔恨的他决心就此放弃攀登。 一次偶然中,加贝接收到了一个神秘的求救信号,信号的发出地位于雪岭之巅,和朋友哈尔(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)、杰西(简宁·特纳 Janine Turner 饰)一起,加贝决心到那里一探究竟。让加贝没有想到的是,在雪岭等待着他的,竟然是一帮穷凶极恶的劫匪和一群手无寸铁的人质。比环境更险恶的,是人心,这一次,加贝能否逢凶化吉呢?
  • 动作片
    A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he risks everything to find her, including exposing the fact that he is becoming invisible.
  • 动作片
  • 喜剧片
    The Pool is the story of Venkatesh, a "room boy" working at a hotel in Panjim, Goa, who sees from his perch in a mango tree a luxuriant garden and shimmering pool hidden behind a wall. In making whatever efforts he can to better himself, Venkatesh offers his services to the wealthy owner of the home. Not content to simply dream about a different life, Venkatesh is inquisitive about the home's inhabitants-indeed about the world around him-and his curiosity changes the shape of his future.
  • 爱情片