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    伯尼回来了,孩子们都很高兴。但他们的宿敌温斯顿也一样,他即将绑架这只天才海豚。凯文和霍莉必须在为时已晚之前救出他们那泼辣的朋友。                                                                      The kids are thrilled that Bernie has come back. But so has their old enemy Winston, who's about to kidnap the talented dolphin. Kevin and Holly must rescue their splashy friend before it's too late.http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn
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      英国皇室的珠宝被盗,引起了高度紧张。情报局随即派出了最顶尖的特工——“天字第一号”去追查珠宝案,然而,案件未查出半点头绪,“天字第一号”就被人谋杀了。在“天字第一号”的葬礼上,英国情报局的顶级特工遭到了炸弹袭击,全部牺牲了。                                                                      不久,情报局收到消息,这伙坏蛋准备打英国皇冠的主意。但是情报局的顶级特工都牺牲了,无奈之下,只好派出菜鸟特工——强尼•英格利(罗温•艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰),绰号“特务憨J”。                                                                      强尼智勇皆无,不过他有先进武器、“八卦”的本领,强尼最后能否捍卫英国皇室的尊严?
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      我们疯狂的憨豆先生(罗温•艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)又来了!这次,我们的憨豆先生在英国一间画廊工作。画廊里的一副传世珍品被美国国家博物馆买走了,憨豆先生所在博物馆要派出一名专家运送这副画到美国。阴差阳错之下,这个专家就由憨豆先生担任了。                                                                      飞过古板的英国, 憨豆先生来到了美国。美国国家博物馆的馆长盛情接待了憨豆,在保险库里,憨豆得以独自一人欣赏名作
  • 喜剧片
      我们疯狂的憨豆先生(罗温•艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)又来了!这次,我们的憨豆先生在英国一间画廊工作。画廊里的一副传世珍品被美国国家博物馆买走了,憨豆先生所在博物馆要派出一名专家运送这副画到美国。阴差阳错之下,这个专家就由憨豆先生担任了。                                                                      飞过古板的英国, 憨豆先生来到了美国。美国国家博物馆的馆长盛情接待了憨豆,在保险库里,憨豆得以独自一人欣赏名作。正当憨豆洋洋得意地近距离观赏名画之时,憨豆一个喷嚏把口水鼻涕都喷在了这副油画上!眼看油画的色彩开始随着自己的口水四处横流,憨豆慌忙之下拿起抹布想把自己的口水擦干。这一下,这副珍品彻底毁了!憨豆最后会否因为毁坏名画而被关进监狱?
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    Wealthy Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenly decides to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire), and sends his servant to book passage for a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. When Betsy rejects his sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding without delay that night. Because the pier number is partially covered, he ends up on the wrong ship, the Navigator, which Betsy's rich father (Frederick Vroom) has just sold to a small country at war. Agents for the other small nation in the conflict decide to set the ship adrift that same night. When Betsy's father checks up on the ship, he is captured and tied up by the saboteurs. Betsy hears his cry for help and boards the ship to look for him, just before it is cut loose. The Navigator drifts out into the Pacific Ocean. The two unwitting passengers eventually find each other. At first, they have great difficulty looking after themselves, but adapt after a few weeks. At one point, they sight a navy ship and hoist a brightly-colored flag, not realizing it signals that the ship is under quarantine. As a result, the other vessel turns away. Finally, the ship grounds itself near an inhabited tropical island and springs a leak. While Rollo dons a deep sea diving suit and submerges to patch the hole, the black natives canoe out and take Betsy captive. When Rollo emerges from the ocean, the natives are scared off, enabling him to rescue Betsy and take her back to the ship. The natives return and try to board the ship. After a fierce struggle, Rollo and Betsy try to escape in a small dinghy. It starts to sink, and the natives swiftly overtake them in their canoes. Just when all seems lost, a navy submarine surfaces right underneath them and they are saved.