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  • 动作片
    讲述了几位美女雇佣兵白炙(于思楚 饰)、鬼车(徐冬梅 饰)、狴蛟(吴宥萱 饰)和S国军人来恩李(黄政皓饰)等无意卷入了一场地底的生化危机之中。众人与生化变异巨蝎、S国军方邪恶势力在戈壁荒野,展开一场生...
  • 动作片
  • 喜剧片
    地球将被一颗小行星撞击,还有三周就是世界末日了,人们各自用自己的方式度过最后的日子,有的忙着分手,有的忙着陪家人,有的忙着完成心愿。道格(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)妻子第一时间跑掉了,留下他百无聊赖,恰好碰到女邻居佩妮(凯拉·耐特丽 Keira Knightley 饰)因为错过回家机票在窗下哭泣,两人就此结识。佩妮把错投递到他家的许多信还给道格,道格发现里面有几个月前初恋女友写来的,佩妮万分愧疚,决定帮助道格赶去见初恋女友一面,两人开车上路,一路相处甚欢,直到发现世界末日到来时,想陪在身边的人是彼此……
  • 喜剧片
    After the death of his father the young cooper 'Dennis Cooper' goes to town where he has to pass several adventures. The town and the whole kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster called 'Jabberwocky'. Will Dennis make his fortune? Is anyone brave enough to defeat the monster? A medieval tale with Pythonesque humour.
  • 喜剧片
    Antoine was raised into the easy life by his very rich grandfather. After the death of his grandfather the money has gone and Antoine falls under the influence of various easy people.