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  • 恐怖片
      Amelia Barrowby is in fear for her life, fearing someone in her home will kill her. When she sees Poirot at a flower show where he is receiving an award, she speaks to him for a moment, giving him a packet of flower seeds. When he arrives back at his office, he discovers the seed packet is empty, and a letter from Mrs. Barrowby arrived in the morning post, which he did not rece...
  • 恐怖片
      At a village fête, Poirot runs into an old friend, John Harrison and his fiancé Molly Deane, a fashion model. Harrison invites Poirot and Hastings to tea the following week where Poirot learns that Molly had once been engaged to a local artist, Claude Langton. Poirot is puzzled by a number of apparently unrelated incidents but concludes that someone is being untruthful and that...
  • 恐怖片
    拉斯迪(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)在检察院里打拼多年,最终成为了首席检察官。某日,助理检察官卡洛琳(格列塔·斯卡奇 Greta Scacchi 饰)出现在了拉斯迪的身边,主动对他投怀送抱。原来,卡洛琳觊觎拉斯迪的首席检察官之位已久,她希望帮助拉斯迪坐上监察处处长的职位,自己则可以渔翁得利。                                                                    哪知道拉斯迪并非野心勃勃之人,对向权力顶峰攀爬并无兴趣,得知了计划落空,卡洛琳果断的离开了拉斯迪。然而某一日,拉斯迪忽然得到了卡洛琳被杀害的消息,令他感到匪夷所思的是,凶案现场的种种证据,都在控诉拉斯迪就是罪魁祸首。拉斯迪知道自己落入了某人一手策划的陷阱之中,而愿意为他辩护的,只有他自己。
  • 恐怖片