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  • 喜剧片
    The main character is the manager of a sport club, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament - somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done so to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for a character is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
  • 喜剧片
      在三十年的婚姻长跑后,凯(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)和阿诺德(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)之间早就没有了任何的激情。对于生性浪漫的凯来说,一方面,她明白感情的消逝在所难免,但另一方面,面对冷漠寡言的丈夫,她感到忍无可忍,就在此时,菲尔德医生(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)的出现给了凯新的希望。                                                                      菲尔德医生是一名婚姻指导员,专门医治婚姻生活中的疑难杂症,在他的建议下,凯说服了顽固保守的阿诺德,开始了为期一周的温泉之旅,目的只有一个,那就是抢救他们岌岌可危的婚姻,更重要的是,这段旅程的成功与否,将直接关系到凯和阿诺德之间的感情究竟是重新开始还是彻底结束。
  • 动作片
    In Swedish film collective Crazy Pictures feature "Den blomstertid nu kommer" Sweden faces a mysterious attack while Alex tries to reunite with his youth love, Anna.
  • 喜剧片
    本片根据美国作家杰夫·金尼(Jeff Kinney)的同名畅销儿童系列读物改编。第一天升入初中的格雷·郝夫利(扎克瑞·戈登 Zachary Gordon 饰)忐忑不安,拼命想要突出表现成为班级年鉴中的...