搜索 朱莉

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      知名电视财经专家李·盖茨(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)在电视财经节目《金钱怪兽》中担任主持人而声名大噪,在节目中经常出现疯狂举动,会大声说出投资建议,不时在节目中用搞笑的道具和音效介绍股市。然而,事实上他是透过内线消息让他在华尔街成为赚钱高手。一名不速之客(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰),因为听信投资分析而赔光积蓄,因此在节目直播中绑架了盖茨与节目制作人帕蒂·芬恩(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)。同时全国民众也透过电视在看着这场玩命直播,而这场
  • 恐怖片
    Zoey, a cyber crime cop, and Barry, a detective, raise their son, Timmy, in a quiet suburban neighborhood. When Zoey confides in her best friend about shift work and the lack of spark in her marriage. Zoey's mind is set in motion and when she discovers Barry is screwing around, she calls him out. Willing to give him a second chance, Zoey tries to mend her marriage. When Barry is seen again with "that" woman, Zoey gets a restraining order and sole custody of Timmy. Late one night a fire in her home tragically takes the life of her son. The evidence points to Zoey taking sleeping pills and smoking - she's charged with Timmy's murder. Zoey goes to Barry for help but he's distant and blames her. Zoey fights back, convinced she was set up to take the blame for Timmy's death. As she fights to prove her own innocence she gets the biggest shock of all! Written by Anonymous
  • 恐怖片
    精神病院一场惨烈的大火,令无数人丧生祸害,妮儿·史威特(阿什丽·贝尔 Ashley Bell 饰)作为唯一的幸存者活存于世。这一日,没有任何知觉的妮儿突然醒来,她已经忘记前几个月发生的事情,只依稀残留对恶魔的恐怖记忆。弗兰克·默勒(缪斯·沃森 Muse Watson 饰)将其带回自己开办的创伤少女关怀机构,希望通过科学的方法帮助妮儿远离邪教的影响,找回健康、正常的人生。在弗兰克的帮助下,妮儿尝试相信所谓的超自然都只不过是幻想而已,她在此与美丽女孩格温(朱莉娅·加纳 Julia Garner 饰)结为好友,也与名叫克里斯的男孩(Spencer Treat Clark 饰)互生好感。                                                                    然而恶魔并未忘记它唾手可得的猎物,身处阳光下的渐渐被彻骨寒冷的恐怖阴影所覆盖……
  • 恐怖片
    1928年美国洛杉矶,在电话局接线台工作的克莉斯汀•柯林斯(Angelina Jolie 安吉莉娜•朱丽 饰)独自抚养儿子沃特(Gattlin Griffith 加特林•格里菲斯 饰),母子的生活简单...