搜索 Aylor

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    为筹集资金,某大学女子足球队的女孩们在不靠谱的布莱克(塔瑞克·加德 Tarek Gader 饰)的号召下,身着比基尼来到位于小镇边缘的废弃加油站提供擦车服务。然而此地荒凉,杳无人烟,偏巧他们搭乘的校车巴士出了故障。女孩们无计可施,只得将错就错在这里招揽生意。阳光明媚,万里无云,衣着火辣的女孩们尽情舞动着曼妙的身姿,青春性感的气息晃耀夺目,全然没有意识到隐藏在暗处的危险。 日薄西山,巴士终于修好。正当女孩们准备返程时,却发现布莱克不见了踪影。为了寻找伙伴,她们被迫在此停留,而伙伴们则一个接一个消失。隐藏在加油站中的杀人恶魔,在夜晚展开了疯狂的狩猎……©豆瓣
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    史蒂文·泰勒(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)身为一位叱咤华尔街的百万富豪,金钱和地位却始终无法令他满足,他渴望的是妻子艾米丽(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow ...
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    While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.