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  • 喜剧片
    This crime drama is composed of three acts of approximate 10-minute duration each. The story itself, shown in a long flashback style, leads us into the overall reconstruction of the crime, made by a mysteriously masked character.                                                                      The film was released 28 August 1916 in Finland. A fragmentary print was recovered in 2001 by the Cinémathèque Française; in 2002 the fragments were preserved, with Swedish intertitles and supplemented with production photographs, by the Svenska Filminstituet in 2002.                                                                      Writing about Victor Sjöström and quoted by Charlotte de Silva for the Embassy of Sweden in London, Jon Wengström of the Swedish Film Institute writes, "The pictorial compositions in Havsgamar/Sea Vultures (1916) and the complex narrative structure in the recently rediscovered Dodskyssen/Kiss of Death (1916) show a director in full command of the medium.
  • 喜剧片
    就读于医科大学的维加德(Lasse Valdal 饰)及好友们驱车前往厄克斯尼湾附近的雪山,计划与其先行到达那里的女友莎拉(Ane Dahl Torp 饰)会合一同度假。当晚,他们从一个流浪汉(Bjørn Sundquist 饰)那里听到流传在此地的一个恐怖传说:二战期间,一支德国部队驻扎这里,他们从当地人手中大肆搜刮金银财宝,手段残酷,贪婪无度,但在战争结束前夕该部队却被愤怒的民众杀死,只有为首的赫尔措格指挥官(Ørjan Gamst 饰)极少数几个人躲进了雪山之中。                                                                      年轻人们对此当然嗤之以鼻,但随着一盒财宝的出现,埋藏在雪中的纳粹僵尸开始一一复活,准备夺回一曾属于他们的财宝……
  • 喜剧片
    噩梦一般的雪山之旅,马丁(Vegar Hoel 饰)的女友和伙伴们全部被复活的纳粹僵尸屠杀殆尽。他虽然身受重伤,但是侥幸逃脱,然而却又因涉嫌杀害同伴被警方监控起来。更糟糕的是,自以为是的医生将他被僵尸病毒感染的右臂缝了起来,无法控制的屠杀在所难免。另一方面,复活的纳粹海军指挥官赫尔佐格(Ørjan Gamst 饰)带领部下暗夜前行,正秘密进行他们生前未尽的计划。马丁连杀两人,从医院逃脱,他根据一个小孩的建议打电话从美国请来了三个死宅组成的僵尸小队,试图消灭纳粹僵尸。逃亡途中,他也发现了赫尔佐格接下来的企图。                                                                      争分夺秒,生死时速,纳粹僵尸的屠杀脚步能否中止……
  • 喜剧片