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  • 科幻片
    A group of protesters who call themselves "mutants" have taken over the inner city streets of a large city. They dress weird to try and show the effects of toxic poisoning. One of the mutants, Splatter, has really been affected. A group of fraternity boys decide to go into the mutant territory and kidnap one of the mutants as a prank. They inadvertently get framed for the murder of the mutant leader and are hunted through the abandoned buildings and dark streets by a crazed Splatter and his gang.
  • 科幻片
  • 科幻片
    The L9 Commando is a task force composed of 6 of the best soldiers from different Special Forces Units. After a successful drug operation take-down, they are are called on for an important
  • 科幻片
    Astrophysicists pick up a mysterious signal coming from outer space. An expedition sets out to visit this planet to find and inspect the source of the signal.
  • 爱情片
    纽约港的码头上,以约翰尼为首的黑社会势力无情地压迫着码头工人们。曾经是拳击手的特里(马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando 饰)来到码头为约翰尼工作。他的朋友乔伊因为向犯罪委员会揭发约翰尼等人的罪行,被其手下,也是特里的哥哥查理从楼顶上推下摔死。乔伊的妹妹伊迪(爱娃·玛丽·森特 Eva Marie Saint 饰)发誓要为哥哥复仇,与教区牧师巴里神父一起展开调查。知情人都不敢出面告发。特里也目睹了乔伊被害的经过,虽然同情伊迪的遭遇,想要帮她逃离黑社会的迫害,但他没有告发哥哥的罪行。在与伊迪的接触中,两人渐渐产生感情。当伊迪得知他是杀害哥哥的帮凶,她拒绝了他。之后哥哥也为了救特里而被约翰尼杀害。无数罪恶的事件让特里决心去揭发约翰尼的罪行。在码头上他被约翰尼的手下打成重伤,神父和伊迪赶来支持他,一直沉默的码头工人们也觉醒了,他们团结在一起,为了正义抗争。 本片获第27届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳故事剧本、最佳男主角等8项大奖。