搜索 France

  • 动作片
    1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After his superiors insist on burying the truth Travis leaves in disgust, only to be forced back twelve years later to hunt down Baywara, an Aboriginal warrior whose attacks on new-settlers are causing havoc. When Travis recruits mission-raised Gutjuk, the only known massacre-survivor as his Tracker, the truth of the past is revealed and Travis becomes the hunted.
  • 动作片
    年轻的FBI特工强尼·犹他(卢克·布雷西 Luke Bracey 饰),潜伏到一队喜欢寻找刺激挑战的盗匪里,该队伍由富有个人魅力的鲍迪(埃德加·拉米雷兹 Édgar Ramírez 饰)领导。这些盗匪被怀疑是在用极不寻常的方式进行着系列犯罪。在与鲍迪这一伙人的交往中,犹他发现自己无可自拔的与这伙人产生了伙伴情谊,犹他陷入了职业伦理与追求真我之间的矛盾,他放弃了自己的一切,加入到了对人类极限界的八项巅峰挑战的追寻中……
  • 喜剧片
    电影特技演员罗伊•沃克(Lee Pace 饰)在拍摄一组骑马从桥上一跃而下的镜头时严重受伤,导致下半身瘫痪失去知觉。此时的他极度绝望,万念俱灰,只想一死了之。正当罗伊沮丧之际,因摔断胳膊住进医院的5岁...
  • 喜剧片