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  • 恐怖片
    居住在新泽西的黑帮杀手“鬼狗”(Forest Whitaker弗雷斯特•惠特克 饰)身为非裔,却浸淫在日本武士道的精神世界里,“忠义”为其平生最高信条。他深居简出,不苟言笑,日常与老大靠飞鸽传书联系。鬼狗视老大路易(John Tormey 饰)如亲生父亲,接到命令后决不手软,手起刀落,血浆四溅。 孤独的他也有可以交心的朋友,闲暇时与公园买冰淇淋说法语的非裔聊聊天,各说各话,却也有趣;或与爱看书的小女孩交流品读《罗生门》的心得。 鬼狗活在自己的世界里,但周遭已发生巨大变化。终于有一天,他被路易抛弃,成为帮派倾轧的牺牲品……
  • 恐怖片
  • 恐怖片
    前海军陆战队员杰克·卡特(Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin 饰)在退伍后加入了一间私人安保公司,他上班的第一天是负责保护押送潜逃海外数星期后被抓回来的女子奥莉维娅·坦尼斯(梅丽莎·罗斯伯格 Melissa Roxburgh 饰)。奥莉维娅是IQ高达135的电脑工程师,此前隶属于美国最大的国防公司之一创世纪,她手中掌握着关系国家安全的重要情报资料。杰克一行的任务是将其安全护送到国防部,谁知当车队通过某密林时,他们遭到一群手持强力杀伤性武器之人的袭击。经过激烈交火后,杰克带着奥莉维娅夺路逃亡,好不容易来到某据点落脚。                                                                      未过多久,叛徒和雇佣军尾随而至,残酷的杀戮远远没有停止……
  • 恐怖片
    George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that somebody in that quarter was murdered. Asking help from a doctor at Scotland Yard he is assured that he has nothing to do with it, but he is advised to cut back in his work and get some relaxation like other, ordinary people. At a cheap musical he meets Netta, a singer, who inspires him for a new motive for his concerto. But Netta discovers that this motive could also be used as a song for her. The song gets sold, and she hangs around George to get more songs out of him. George believes that Netta is in love with him, and gets in an argument with his girlfriend Barbara, the daughter of Lord Henry, who wants the concerto for one of his souares. George has another black out, ...
  • 恐怖片
    据说在1928年,匈牙利导演贝拉·奥特(艾利·罗素 Eli Roth 饰)曾根据一起发生在罗马尼亚的真实事件拍摄过一部恐怖片。但是在拍摄过程中不断出现离奇诡异的事件,奥特最终失踪,影片也从未完成,更没...