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  • 动作片
    What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over America's entire online system, our country is threatened to be brought to its knees. Hacking into DARPA, Echelon gains the ability to manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, and cause a level of destruction unlike anything the country could ever imagine. But how do you stop a computer program when it has control over any and every defense you have?
  • 动作片
  • 喜剧片
    一个看不懂五线谱的合唱团指挥,一个到处流浪的音乐代课老师,和一群五音不全的原住民孩子,有机会在合唱比赛中夺冠,免于被废校的命运吗? #马志翔 、 #Ella陈嘉桦 领衔主演 历经12 年筹备,根据 #...
  • 动作片
    吉他手埃尔(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是墨西哥荒漠上最令人闻风丧胆的神枪手,他曾经摧毁了一个又一个当地的毒枭、黑帮,因此也八面树敌。在痛失爱妻之后,心灰意冷的埃尔背着他...