搜索 查尔斯

  • 恐怖片
    When thinking about this film, several words come to mind: cliched, contrived, and confusing, to name a few. In most suspense thrillers, the audience finds itself yelling out advice to the main characters, such as "don't go into the basement- the bad guy is there" or "save yourself! don't go back for your cat!" I never did that with this one. It wasn't because the decisions this victim makes are any smarter than any other suspense thriller victim, it was more that I just really didn't care what happened to her. I couldn't feel any sympathy for her because she was so two-dimensional. Then let's consider the stalker. He is supposed to make the viewer feel creepy just by being onscreen. He is definitely no Anthony Hopkins or Jack Nicholson. Frankly, I've seen episodes of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" that were creepier. I'm tired of actors who think it is easy to play a psychopath. This film did have its bright spots, though they were few and far-between. One scene that I thought was very well-done (if slightly preposterous) took place in a church and involved a very cool priest. I can say no more. I suppose I sometimes demand too much of made-for-TV movies. In all honesty, I'd have to say that "made-for-TV suspense Velveeta" is my favorite genre, and when viewed in its proper context (i.e. on cable at three in the morning), this film is a fine example of its genre.
  • 恐怖片
  • 恐怖片
    病重的母亲死于火灾,令乖乖女安娜(埃米莉·勃朗宁 Emily Browning 饰)备受打击,甚至企图自杀。经过一段时间的精神康复,安娜获准回到阔别已久的家中,那里有她身为作家的父亲史蒂芬(大卫·斯特雷泽恩 David Strathairn 饰),亲密无间的妹妹爱丽克丝(阿莉尔·凯贝尔 Arielle Kebbel 饰)以及令她不知该如何对待的未来继母——妈妈曾经的护士蕾切尔(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)。在此期间,安娜接连看到母亲凄惨恐怖的身影,好友马特(Jesse Moss 饰)则声称见到了火灾当晚的一切。种种迹象表明,安娜的母亲并非死于意外,姐妹俩自然而然将凶手锁定在蕾切尔的身上。                                                                    未过多久,马特遇害。阴云重新笼罩在安娜一家人的头顶。这个可怜几近崩溃的女孩,在真实和虚幻之间彷徨失措……
  • 恐怖片
    颓唐邋遢的哈伯(Chance A. Rearden 饰)曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失...