搜索 阿

  • 爱情片
    这是一个发生在90年代大马天空下的初恋故事。botak(阿牛 饰)是憨厚老实的卖咖啡的儿子,喜欢上了青梅竹马的单亲家庭女孩“打架鱼”周安琪(李心洁 饰),却一直不敢表达。花痴女孩马丽冰(梁静茹 饰)一心喜欢botak,马丽冰的哥哥马麟帆( 曹格 饰)却喜欢着打架鱼,botak的胖妹妹暗恋着“白马王子”(黄品冠 饰),.经过一系列的事件众小青年们都换来了人生的成长,看似搞笑的故事中夹杂了亲情、爱情、友情、乡愁。 《初恋红豆冰》是阿牛(陈庆祥)的处女作,参加演出的几乎都是来自马来西亚的本土歌手,本片上映时在马来西亚的票房大获350万,几乎刷新当地最高票房纪录。©豆瓣
  • 喜剧片
    故事講述还是上次那间﹝夜半鬼敲門﹞恐怖大屋,今次闖入了一班青年男女,其中的Jesse更揭發了他的曾祖父擁有170 歲高齡,竟然一直匿藏屋內,擁有不死之身……可惜因為他的發現觸怒了屋內的鬼魂,究竟可以...
  • 爱情片
  • 动作片
    A Special Ops military Force, led by expert sniper Sergeant Jake Chandler (Steven Seagal), are sent to a remote Afghan village to extract an American congressman being held by the Taliban. The rescue mission is a success, but Jake, separated after a firefight with the enemy, stays behind to help an injured soldier. Sergeant Vic Mosby (Tim Abell) desperately tries to convince Major Jackson (Dale Dye) to let him go back and save the soldiers, but is ordered on a mission to retrieve a truckload of munitions which could be vital for the military base. In direct violation of orders, Vic and his Special Ops Team decide to head back to the village to rescue the stranded soldiers. Outnumbered and out gunned, Vic and his men engage in a massive shootout against the enemy, while Jake uses his expert skills to save them all from certain death.