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  • 喜剧片
    Shavian social satire. Odette is an actress who's now the mistress of a government minister. Her household of cook, maid, and chauffeur needs a valet. On the eve of going with the minister to Deauville, she engages Désiré, a robust and talkative man, even through his most recent employer, a countess, intimates improprieties. Things go well for a short time: the wealthy talk about the servants, the servants talk about their employers. Then, Désiré has explicit dreams about Odette; his outbursts wake the maid in the next room nightly. Odette has the same dream each night, awaking the minister and his jealousy. Is there any decorous way to handle these subconscious attractions?
  • 喜剧片
    In this variety comedy special from John Mulaney, he hilariously tackles grown-up topics with his kid pals, the Sack Lunch Bunch. Fun for everyone!
  • 喜剧片
  • 喜剧片
    Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role: he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning. While in Rome to shoot his first movie, Niccolò becomes obsessed and sent into a self-destructive spiral.
  • 动作片
    400年前,狼牙脩国度由于国王Rayabahadur Sah遭到刺杀而失陷。皇室成员别无选择,只能将皇冠授予长女Hijau公主(扎鲁尼•苏萨瓦饰演),让她成为狼牙脩皇后。                                                                      尽管她统治着这块领土,却始终面临着与海盗船长乌鸦(威奈•克莱布饰演)结盟的反叛军彭亨府(现马来西亚西部最大的州府)王子多年来的颠覆政权活动。乌鸦率领着自己的船员正在试图寻找由荷兰人Janis Bree和中国人Lim Kium共同发明创造的大炮,但是这支荷兰船队却在一次爆炸中连同大炮一起沉入海底。                                                                      Hijau皇后为了保卫并巩固自己的领土和势力范围,决定将自己最小的妹妹Ungu公主(安娜•瑞丝饰演)与Pahung王子(杰西达邦饰演)政治联姻。然而Pahung王子却深爱着皇室的Biru公主(杰克林•阿披他娜农饰演)。                                                                      与此同时,一个名叫Pari的男孩(阿南达•艾华灵汉饰演)在小渔村里诞生了。他的父亲正是被海盗船长乌鸦所杀。为了避难,Pari于7年后被叔叔Anjar带走。为了报仇雪恨,Pari拜师学艺。在贤人白光(索拉鹏•查特理饰演)的教导下,他学会了控制海洋的魔法,并掌握了如何与海洋生物交流沟通的方法。                                                                      为了能够从海底捞起大炮,曾经也是白光的学生如今成为海盗的乌鸦也在学习这种控制海洋的魔法。                                                                      Hijau皇后为了能够建造属于自己的大炮来保卫领土,也在寻找着大炮的发明人之一--中国人Lim Kium。她派出自己的两名妹妹去寻找此人,而身手不凡的海军指挥官Yalang(楚鹏•常普伦饰演)则保护她们的人身安全。                                                                      为了夺取沉在海底的大炮,Hijau皇后一帮人,反叛军彭亨府王子一伙、海盗乌鸦一伙,以及Pari都将背水一战。