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  • 喜剧片
    Brooke, a plain but creative and hard-working student at the top fashion school in the nation, who has come a long way from her tough childhood spent going from one foster home to another as an orphan. She has always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, and is thrilled to finally be on her way. But, when the grandfather she never knew about passes away, her life is suddenly turned upside down. Not only has he left her his estate, but he's left her in charge of the family business, as mob boss to one of the top crime syndicates that has been trying to go legit. If that isn't enough, the handsome new student she's falling for is actually an undercover FBI agent aiming to get dirt on her to bring down the family empire.
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  • 喜剧片
    《小鬼当家》是约翰.休斯1990年推出的假日强档节目。它不仅为广大电影爱好者带来了无限快乐,也使此片成了美国电影史上总票房排名第九的影片。这是美国有史以来拍得最好的喜剧片。两年之后,休斯编写导演的《小鬼当家》的续集《小鬼当街》,同样成为热卖的喜剧片。                                                                    在这一集里,小鬼凯文的爸爸和妈妈离了婚,爸爸和一位新的女友搬到了新家。在他俩一起出去庆祝圣诞节的时候,那些可爱的匪徒又要来抢夺小朋友满怀希望的神秘装置,小鬼凯文再次抵挡这两个匪徒,不惜天翻地覆,引发连场刺激爆笑的场面。
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