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  • 欧美剧
    In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the Øresund Bridge. The woman is Margrethe Thormod, Thormod, Director General of the Migration Agency in Copenhagen, who was recently embroiled in a deportation scandal. Danish detective Henrik begins to investigate the murder without the involvement of Saga, due to the fact that she has now been imprisoned for the murder of her mother. Henrik is missing his colleague and wants to visit her as often as possible so she can help with the case. However, her predicament renders her unable to help. Henrik’s search for his missing daughters is also frustrated by Saga’s imprisonment and he gets close to giving up.
  • 欧美剧
    拉斯·冯·提尔于上世纪九十年代拍摄的邪典剧集《医院风云》将拍第三季,也就是本系列的最终季,共有五集。本剧以哥本哈根一家外科精神病房为背景,极尽荒诞、黑色喜剧之能事,原本计划就是三季,但在拍摄了两季后,因主演恩斯特·雨果·加拉加德和克里斯汀·罗夫斯离世而暂停。第三季将在2021年开拍,聚焦新的角色、新的故事,拉斯·冯·提尔将以《医院风云:出埃及记》(The Kingdom Exodus,暂译)的标题拍摄全部五集,剧本则由他和尼尔斯·沃塞尔共同完成。