搜索 Lauri

  • 恐怖片
    While waiting for their bus, five passengers have just had horrible nightmares and decide to tell them to each other to help killing time. A swimmer, who has lessons in a swimming pool with a dead swimmer, tells the first one. A young boy, who goes camping with two friends and a crazy man as a leader, is the next. Then, a lonely woman, who has an infatuation with the anchor of a late night show, and finds that he is indeed a vampire. A young man, who finds he has the gift of bringing dead people back to life, brings a cold blood criminal back to life. Last, a skeptic professor of anthropology tells to his students about an evil Spanish creature from the Middle Ages called "Ixpe", and a young woman embodies it. When the bus arrives, they have a huge surprise.
  • 恐怖片
    A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
  • 喜剧片
    墨西哥籍的 Margarita 是位超级褓母,照料僱主一家大大小小事;除了整理家务、会计作帐、水电维修样样来,关怀与付出更是没少过。儘管有位能干帅气的工人 Carlos 喜欢她,但 Margarita 相恋的对象却是害怕承诺的法律系学生 Jane。谁知僱主夫妇家陷入经济困境,突然解僱 Margarita,让她因非法移民身份而面临调查与回国的窘境,而私心想把这位超级褓母留在身旁帮手的僱主则又开始想尽办法留住她。本片在温馨幽默中,同时呈现出非法移工与女同志身份所面临的残酷现实,并赢得多伦多同志影展观众票选最佳剧情片
  • 动作片