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  • 恐怖片
    20世纪70年代,苏格兰警官豪伊( 爱德华·伍德华德 饰)收到一封信,信中称苏格兰西海岸的一个小岛——夏岛上的女孩罗恩·莫里森失踪已久,并向他求助破案。豪伊来到夏岛展开调查,发现岛上的氛围十分怪异。居...
  • 恐怖片
    坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州的布朗山,从20世纪中叶起便接连有当地居民目击不明飞行物以及人类遭到绑架的报告。外星人还是政府军事机密?扑朔迷离,众说纷纭。直到某天,患有自闭症的少年莱利·莫瑞斯(Riley P...
  • 恐怖片
  • 恐怖片
      Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds' most famous park. Six best friends, high school students, prepare for a night of fun. School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his friends have turned Central Park into their 'spot'. Young and invincible; Harold and his crew own this city. Unbeknownst to them, a reve...