搜索 Tan

  • 动作片
    后斯诺登时代,中情局系统被黑客入侵, 多项特工计划可能泄露。与此同时,中情局还发现了伯恩和好搭档尼基·帕森斯的踪迹。年轻的网络专家海瑟·李自告奋勇追踪伯恩,而伯恩也在寻找着关于自己身世的惊天黑幕。中情...
  • 动作片
  • 喜剧片
    The main character is the manager of a sport club, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament - somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done so to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for a character is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
  • 喜剧片