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  • 伦理片
    乔 middot;迪阿马托(Joe D"Amato)在1978年导演的这部18禁意大利恐怖电影,叙述了暴力性的奇风异俗,还包含真实的动物猎杀。一队地质学家来到一处森林,他们企图在岛上兴修核电厂,他们发 食人族的爱神首要演员阵容有:Melissa,Chimenti,梅丽莎,,Sirpa,Lane,瑟帕琳恩,,,Maurice,Poli,莫里斯波利 乔 middot;迪阿马托(Joe D"Amato)在1978年导演的这部18禁意大利恐怖电影,叙述了暴力性的奇风异俗,还包含真实的动物猎杀。一队地质学家来到一处森林,他们企图在岛上兴修核电厂,他们发现了食人族土着,就在探险队对食人族进行深化探求之际,反被土着猎获。食人族;女性领导者,以肉体引诱他们,最终以严酷的拷打,并予杀戮阉割,变成食人族的丰富午饭
  • 伦理片
    When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters and a group of revolutionaries.
  • 喜剧片
  • 恐怖片
  • 剧情片