搜索 Davi

  • 喜剧片
    Maggie Cooper thinks it would be so cool if her son Lloyd were gay. So cool in fact that she signs him up for a college scholarship for gay kids, sets him up on dates and then for good measure outs him to the entire school. And then Lloyd meets a girl.
  • 喜剧片
    根据哈沛·科可林Hape Kerkeling的书《我出去一下Ich bin dann mal weg》为基础改编,作者在书中描述了他在圣雅各之路(一条朝圣路线)上的旅程,以及他在那里遇到的人们的旅程。
  • 喜剧片
    伊丽莎白(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)在生活中是个不折不扣的贱人,但同时她还有着另一个身份——人民教师。在被前男友抛弃之后,她不得不重新回到了自己所厌恶的工作岗位上消极怠工。她一直对...
  • 动作片