搜索 马特

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    文森特(罗伯特·席安 Robert Sheehan 饰)是一名图雷特综合症患者,照顾她的母亲去世之后,文森特那久未谋面的父亲出现,将儿子送往了治疗中心,交给了在那里工作的罗斯医生(凯拉·塞吉维克 Ky...
  • 喜剧片
  • 喜剧片
      哥伦比亚大学教授Erin Gilbert(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)和Abby Yates(梅丽莎·麦卡西 Melissa McCarthy 饰)是合作愉快的作家。如今,为了告诉人们“幽灵是存在的”,她们将一起编著一本关于幽灵的书籍。当对“鬼魂”的深 入研究中,当“鬼魂”入侵她们所居住的城市时,她们和另外两个搭档Jillian Holtzmann(凯特·麦克金农 Kate McKinnon 饰)、Patty Tolan(莱斯莉·琼斯 Leslie Jones 饰)一起投入到拯救城市
  • 喜剧片
    The Boy In The Dress is the story of Dennis, a 12 year-old boy who lives in an ordinary house, in an ordinary street, in an ordinary town, but he feels different. His mum has gone off with a roofer and he lives with his dad (Steve Speirs) and brother. Everything is boring and grey. Dennis wants to escape to some sort of magical world, and discovers it in the most unexpected place - Raj's newsagent. A chance view of Kate Moss on the cover of a fashion magazine introduces Dennis to a whole new world of colour and creativity. Thankfully he has an ally in Lisa, the coolest girl in school, who decides to teach him everything she knows about the world of fashion and clothes. Dennis is enthralled, and after a little persuasion from Lisa tries on a dress she has created. Soon they decide to try and pass Dennis off as ‘Denise’, Lisa's French pen pal. But can a boy wear a dress, and what will his Headmaster Mr Hawthorn think if he finds out - let alone Dennis’s dad, his best friend Darvesh and his school football team-mates?