搜索 Rose

  • 科幻片
    Mark Strong饰演的舰长William被派往火星执行一项单程任务,四千万英里,270天的孤独航程,迈出人类殖民火星第一步……
  • 爱情片
    On leave in a shore side town, Johnny becomes interested in a young dark haired woman. They meet and...
  • 科幻片
    金波(杰弗里·埃文·托马斯 Jeffrey Evan Thomas 配音)是一个拥有神奇能力的少年,年岁渐长的他始终相信,他并不是独自一人,在这个世界上一定存在着许多和他相同的人,他想将这些人聚集在一起,将他们的能力用在对社会有益的方面。没过多久,5个和金波一样的神奇少年浮出了水面,在感到高兴之余,金波也发现,这些少年多多少少都曾因为他们的特异功能而受到排挤和欺辱。 不久,悲剧发生了,某个暴力团伙袭击了这些少年,愤怒和恐惧打碎了少年们的理智,他们决定用他们的能力向带给他们伤害的这个世界进行报复。摆在金波面前的有两条路,一条是和少年们一起进行报复行动,另一条是站在少年们的对立面,保护世界的和平。面对这艰难的选择,金波动摇了。
  • 爱情片
    For two small-town teenagers in love, this is that one last summer they will spend together before going their separate ways. Baseball star Luke knows that the intelligent Jonah will go off to college in the fall, and over the course of the next few months these boyfriends will lose themselves in nature, bicycle rides and each other while they still can. With echoes of Terrence Malick, writer-director Mark Thiedeman offers up a debut feature that balances haunting beauty with adolescent passion.