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  • 爱情片
    第二次世界大战开始了,硝烟和炮火让整个世界满目疮痍,人民深陷于水火之中,苦苦挣扎。在占领了法国之后,凶残的纳粹开始了对于犹太人的疯狂屠杀,从屠刀下幸运地死里逃生的施劳模(利昂尔·阿贝兰斯基 Lione...
  • 爱情片
    夏洛特(米雪拉·库克罗瓦 Michaela Kuklová 饰)的父亲去世之后,家境一年不如一年,在修道院苟延残喘了两年之后,夏洛特和母亲(艾米丽娅·瓦萨约娃 Emília Vásáryová 饰)不...
  • 爱情片
    阿伊莎(雷亚·查克雷伯蒂 Rhea Chakraborty 饰)是一位小有所成的畅销书作者,虽然在事业上取得了不菲的成就,但曾经经历过一段失败感情的她至今都没有走出阴影。某日,阿伊莎登上了前往新德里的火车,在那里,她要举办一场签售会。在火车上,阿伊莎邂逅了一一位带着孩子的女子,让阿伊莎感到震惊的是,这个女人不是别人,竟然正是自己的前男友德夫妻子,得知了这一信息的阿伊莎崩溃了。 本来以为早已经尘封的记忆突然间变得鲜活起来,过去的一幕幕像放电影一样在阿伊莎的脑海里呈现。这两个人之间到底发生了怎样的故事以至于阿伊莎这样的久久无法忘怀呢?
  • 科幻片
    Devi is gifted with Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Her gift comes to light one day while playing tennis with her friend, Sudha, when she has a vision of her sister, Rama, being shot to death by a man in a black raincoat. She telephones Rama, finds she is safe and is relieved. Shortly thereafter Rama disappears, the police are notified, but are unable to find any trace of her. Devi then meets multi-millionaire, Ram Kumar, both fall in love and get married. She moves into his once abandoned and legally disputed bungalow, and that's when she starts having visions again. These visions lead her to a wall that is loosely plastered. She breaks down the wall with a pick-axe and finds a skeleton of a woman, who is later identified as Rama. Now having come to know that her premonitions are more or less accurate, Devi starts to have another vision - this time of a woman being stabbed by a bald man...