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  • 战争片
    农村兵马强(刘衍利 饰)入伍后可谓事事不顺,打枪不会闭左眼,烧饭糊了锅。但当他看到边境上被越军无辜打伤打死的边民,怒火中烧,坚决要求上了前线。自卫反击战打响后,马强又出了不少“洋相”。但战争磨炼了他,也改变了他,为抢救越南儿童,马强负伤住院,在医院巧遇战友巩大方(沈冠初 饰),为早日重返战场杀敌,他软磨硬泡医生护士,最后在护士小罗(李岚 饰)帮助下,他和巩大方逃出医院,途中被民兵误认为越军特工,被押到指挥所。经过一番“审问”,连长(董子武 饰)“释放”了他俩。经受血与火考验的马强迅速成长为自觉的革命战士。战斗中,他率先垂范,事事冲在前面,屡建战功......
  • 伦理片
    Chief Park imagines going wild with Ga-hee while she thinks he's weird. One day, Chief Park leaves early and she has sex with Woo-jin, a colleague she's secretly seeing. A while later, Chief Park opens the door... The Taste of Theater 1 A couple is at the movies. Young-ho thinks there's no one around and starts touching Soo-ryeon, but she tells him there's someone sitting behind them. A while later, Soo-ryeon comes back from the toilet, but her glasses are broken and she can't see well enough so she sits next to a stranger... The Taste of A Motel Young-ho and Hye-jin drink together. She tells him she's going to sleep with her boyfriend for the first time soon and asks Young-ho to help her practice. He tells her not to worry, but he can tell that it's not her first time. The Taste of Theater 2 A stranger named Soo-ryeon sits next to Young-ho who is watching a movie alone and heartbroken. She hears what's happened to him and starts to comfort him. Then they sleep together.
  • 伦理片
  • 伦理片
  • 伦理片