搜索 Cabrol

  • 伦理片
    The protagonist has no memory of her father. However, as she watches the films he made before she was born, in which several young girls appear, she begins to suspect if there had been nothing between her father and her. To forget her loneliness and stay afloat she keeps a diary. Men begin to irritate her, she is increasingly attracted to women and desperately seeks a mother, a friend, a lover.
  • 伦理片
    艾西亚(Diana Gómez 饰)是一个18岁的美丽少女,对于她来说,年轻带来的并不是自由和快乐,正相反,生活的压力和家庭的束缚让她感到沮丧与痛苦。一次偶然中,艾西亚结识了神秘的爱洛斯(Ariadna Cabrol 饰),后者自由不羁的行为作风让艾西亚深深着迷。随着时间的流逝,爱洛斯和艾西亚之间的距离越来越近,而艾西亚发现,自己对爱洛斯的感情并非仅仅是友情那么简单。 在爱洛斯的引领下,艾西亚的灵魂和肉体都逐渐获得了解放,但这一现象在保守又刻板的母亲眼里却并不是好事,对于两个女孩之间的关系,她千方百计的阻挠着。这一段混浊世界里的纯洁感情能否得到祝福呢?