搜索 芭芭拉·贝尔·戈

  • 喜剧片
    The credits fade onto a blind man tapping his way down the sidewalk,he enters a dingy boarding house and hears a shot fired in one of the upstairs bedrooms. A door opens from audience POV. A man tumbles out of the door and falls, slides and slithers down two flights of stairs and is dead when he hits the bottom. Then follows nearly 100 minutes of flashback and flashbacks-within-flashbacks about a veteran returing from the war, tired and disillusioned, only to find that he girl he loves has lied to him about her relationship with another man, and that man is sadistic, boastful and tauntful.
  • 爱情片
    退役警探约翰·弗格森(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart 饰)的同学加文·埃尔斯特(汤姆·赫尔莫 Tom Helmore 饰)是造船商。他请求约翰跟踪自己的妻子,并称妻子经常被鬼魂附身。随后,约翰按照加文的指示,在厄尼餐厅见到了一位美丽的女人(金姆·诺瓦克 Kim Novak 饰)。经过跟踪,约翰发现女人确有不同寻常的行为:开车出门,去花店买花,去墓园在卡洛塔·巴尔德斯的碑前驻足,去荣勋宫博物馆凝视卡洛塔画像,最后进入麦基屈克旅馆并出现在二楼的一扇窗前。约翰随即进入旅馆调查,发现女人登记名为卡洛塔·巴尔德斯,但其房中无人。卡洛塔·巴尔德斯究竟是何方神圣,鬼魂真的能附身活人吗?