搜索 Diana

  • 恐怖片
  • 喜剧片
      A comedy follows the adventures of three teenage girls and their quest to have their first orgasm. Inken, Victoria and Leona, watch a video of women from the '70s relaying how their orgasms, in addition to giving them immense physical pleasure, liberated them and helped them succeed in life. The girls are more than a little curious and set out on a quest to achieve their elusiv...
  • 动作片
  • 爱情片
    高中生乖乖美女Emma、孤僻帅帅男Dean及其同学到岛上度,两人由于偶然意外被困于孤岛,Emma心有所爱,Dean则偷偷暗恋,两个人在孤岛上的近百天内越靠越近…… 电视电影,跟旧的那个《青春珊瑚岛》没有任何联系,也没有任何可比性,女角自然不可能像波姬小丝那样娇美,电影尺度也远远不如《青》,只能算是把小青年的纯爱青春片从学校搬到了小岛上而已,整个电影没有重点,不知所谓。