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  • 爱情片
  • 欧美剧
    大卫·田纳特将在 ITV 4集新剧《利特维年科》(Litvinenko)中扮演前俄罗斯间谍亚历山大·利特维年科。该剧将描述这位前俄联邦安全局官员2006年在伦敦千年饭店被罕见放射性物质钋-210毒杀的过程。   大卫·田纳特将扮演这位前俄罗斯间谍,他在医院床上接受了警察的问询。   该剧由乔治·凯编剧,帕特里克·斯宾塞担任制片人。故事还将关注利特维年科的遗孀玛丽娜 ,以及她为找出暗杀事件幕后主使发起的运动。
  • 伦理片
    Shattering all of the carnal commandments, a self-ordained messenger of the Lord, Reverend Jerry, leads an insidious double-life. Passionately imploring his followers to donate freely to hi cause, the good Reverend misdirects the funds towards his hedonistic pursuit of sexual depravity at Madame Blanche's- a whore house where he preaches to the painted ladies with his "true sword of the Lord." Meanwhile, the Reverend's family is forced to seek warmth and affection elsewhere. Where his wife easily finds sexual solace with her psychiatrist, and his older daughter attends a poolside orgy, his younger daughter disguises herself to go to work at a notorious house of ill-repute-- Madame Blanche's. Inevitably, Reverend Jerry is entranced with the new girl and demands her services. When she refuses, he has her kidnapped, setting in motion the soul-searching climax that makes LUST INFERNO one of the most unforgettable films you will ever see.