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  • 动作片
    科幻题材影片《末日回旋》由Eric Petey执导,Marc Petey、Nelson Carter Leis主演。   经科学家们证实,在过去的三年里,全球的气温显著上升且洪水泛滥,联合国正在竭力控制这场全球灾难。资源日益稀缺,人们正悄然陷入另一场全球冲突,全球的暴力犯罪事件不断出现。   漩涡系统被誉为“迄今为止最强大的武器”,政府利用漩涡系统大幅度削减了城市的犯罪率,建立出一个两极世界...
  • 动作片
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  • 喜剧片
    当巴黎在疫情期间进入封锁状态时,公寓楼里各式各样的居民必须适应一种新生活。该片由丹尼·伯恩自导自演,弗朗索瓦·达密安 、劳伊万·阿达勒共同出演了这部温馨又充满趣味的隔离生活影片。
  • 动作片
    What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over America's entire online system, our country is threatened to be brought to its knees. Hacking into DARPA, Echelon gains the ability to manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, and cause a level of destruction unlike anything the country could ever imagine. But how do you stop a computer program when it has control over any and every defense you have?