搜索 约瑟夫·盖特

  • 动作片
    What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over America's entire online system, our country is threatened to be brought to its knees. Hacking into DARPA, Echelon gains the ability to manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, and cause a level of destruction unlike anything the country could ever imagine. But how do you stop a computer program when it has control over any and every defense you have?
  • 动作片
    这个世界需要超级英雄…… 黑亚当降临。黑亚当(道恩·强森 饰)被赋予了古代诸神无所不能的力量,但很快就被封印。近五千年后,他终于重见天日,并将在现代世界以独一无二的方式行使正义。
  • 欧美剧
    El Rey宣布续订根据同名电影改编的《杀出个黎明》第三季。
  • 欧美剧
    Section 20 are called into Bangkok, Thailand to rescue Chloe Foster, the daughter to British ambassa...
  • 欧美剧