搜索 周初明

  • 爱情片
    A young singer who performs at the seventh month road shows meets a handsome man who has lost touch with his father. When she tries to reunite them, she realises he is a ghost, bach for reconciliation as well as to avert a disaster that will befall the old man.
  • 爱情片
    做为一名具有良好家庭背景、受过正统的高等教育、工作使人艳羡的国家精英分子,林天明也曾经憧憬着一帆风顺的美丽前途,然而现实却又总是造物弄人,在历经种种挫折后,他逐渐沉沦丧志,直到一次偶遇旧友张志强,在他眼中张志强的不凡成绩是一种折磨,使他颠狂、暴躁。同时,无处渲泻的他也把这种不平和愤恨转嫁到社会中。渐 渐的,他变得越来越冷漠、自私、贪婪、邪恶、血腥、凶残……他从此也开始了另一种旅程。