搜索 莱奥·卡拉克斯

  • 喜剧片
    (转自IMDB)                                                                      Everything returns to normal after Chernobyl. That is, everything but art. Most of the great works are lost, and it is up to people like William Shakespear Junior the Fifth to restore the lost artwork of the human race. He finds strange goings-on at a resort enough to remind him of all the lines of the play, dealing with mob boss Don Learo and his daughter Cordelia, a strange professor named Jean Luc-Godard (sic), who repeatedly xeroxes his hand for no particular reason. He is followed by four humanoid goblins that keep tormenting Cordelia. There is also the gentleman whose girlfriend, Valerie, isn't always visible. Then the film is sent off to New York for Mr. Alien to edit.
  • 爱情片
    落寞的青年亚历克斯(德尼·拉旺 Denis Lavant 饰)独自徘徊巴黎街头,他的女友移情别恋,不久又要去服兵役,钟爱的电影事业前景模糊。偶然机缘,亚历克斯进入一个私人聚会,并结识了美丽的女孩蜜蕊拉(蜜蕊拉·皮雷 Mireille Perrier 饰)。蜜蕊拉此前与男友伯纳情深意笃,为了爱情她甘愿奉献一切,这却让对方无法承受如此炽烈的感情,只能选择逃避。相同的境遇让他们走到一起,互诉各自的情感经历,两人的心由此更加贴近。亚历克斯和蜜蕊拉相互依偎,空气中弥漫着悲伤无望的气味…… 本片为莱奥·卡拉克斯(Leos Carax)导演处女作,并荣获1984年戛纳电影节青年奖。
  • 伦理片