搜索 詹姆斯·卡尔

  • 喜剧片
    Brooke, a plain but creative and hard-working student at the top fashion school in the nation, who has come a long way from her tough childhood spent going from one foster home to another as an orphan. She has always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, and is thrilled to finally be on her way. But, when the grandfather she never knew about passes away, her life is suddenly turned upside down. Not only has he left her his estate, but he's left her in charge of the family business, as mob boss to one of the top crime syndicates that has been trying to go legit. If that isn't enough, the handsome new student she's falling for is actually an undercover FBI agent aiming to get dirt on her to bring down the family empire.
  • 战争片
    越战期间,美国克莱顿镇5个经常一起打猎野鹿的好朋友中的三人尼克(克里斯托弗•沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰)、史蒂芬(约翰•萨维奇 John Savage 饰)和迈克尔(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)即将奔赴前线。离开前夕,史蒂芬和另一个好友兼女友安吉拉结了婚,婚礼就是他们的告别会。                                                                      三个年轻人在战场上被越军俘虏了,残忍的越军逼他们玩“俄罗斯轮盘”游戏,迈克尔乘机夺了越军士兵的枪。虽然顺利三个好友逃了出来,但在逃亡过程中他们失散了。迈克尔和史蒂芬最终顺利回到了美国,但史蒂芬终身残废了,住在疗养院不愿回家拖累家人。越战结束前夕,迈克尔从史蒂芬处得知他经常受到从西贡寄来的匿名的汇款,迈克尔断定一定是尼克。为了找回好兄弟,迈克尔决定再次冒险闯荡越南。