搜索 Cara

  • 恐怖片
    美莲妮刚与男朋友分手,继而搬去费城重新开始过,她找到一份临时的 秘书工作,公司总裁汤对她爱护有嘉,亦开始展开追求。汤原来是一名有妇 之夫,他的妻子聘请一名私家侦探监视其夫的一举一动,汤突然被发现倒毙 在一所住所,美莲妮嫌疑最大,而没有人相信她是无辜的。美莲妮想证明清白,她惟有自己赤手捉拿真凶。
  • 恐怖片
    在但丁的地狱的第9个地狱圈子的基础上,Black Garden即将在圣诞节前夕开始。在第三次世界大战结束八天后,除了一个幸存者,其他幸存者都在等待死亡。当凯特(Kate)与一个未知的广播电台联系时,她步行走去寻找他的广播地点,直到声音的真实意图显示了出来
  • 剧情片
  • 喜剧片
    A baron, with the complicity of a starlet, organizes the theft of the cash wagon on a train, keeping the conductor and travelers at bay, a sample of various humanity: an honorable with the divorced secretary, a psychiatrist with a patient under treatment, two newlyweds on their honeymoon, a trendy singer with the assistant, a rich and kinky woman. The hit succeeds, but the spoils are squandered to produce a blockbuster film and everything ends up at a loss; the baron then tries to steal a large load of currency embarked on a ferry, but a sudden strike by the seafarers throws up the plan. Hence the plan to seize a load of diamonds, embarked on a plane departing from Fiumicino destined for Amsterdam.
  • 喜剧片