搜索 Jha

  • 喜剧片
    The Pool is the story of Venkatesh, a "room boy" working at a hotel in Panjim, Goa, who sees from his perch in a mango tree a luxuriant garden and shimmering pool hidden behind a wall. In making whatever efforts he can to better himself, Venkatesh offers his services to the wealthy owner of the home. Not content to simply dream about a different life, Venkatesh is inquisitive about the home's inhabitants-indeed about the world around him-and his curiosity changes the shape of his future.
  • 动作片
    英国统治印度的后期,舍希德·汗以传奇人物苏丹那王的名义,打劫英国的火车,被驱逐出瓦塞浦。舍希德·汗逃亡到丹巴德,为煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格工作,却因此结下了家族世仇。十年后,舍希德·汗的花心儿子沙达尔·汗发誓要为父报仇,成为了瓦塞浦的一方霸主。沙达尔·汗一面在丹巴德与杀父仇人煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格斗智斗勇,一面又在瓦塞浦与之前的霸主苏丹王带领的库雷希族对抗。旧仇未报,新仇又结... 影片用类似纪录片的方式,在历史的背景下,讲述了三个黑帮集团之间错综复杂的关系。从1940年跨越到2004年,穿插了印度独立、巴印分治、以及印度的宗教派系之间的血腥残杀。瓦塞浦黑帮的所作所为全都印映着历史的痕迹。
  • 喜剧片
  • 欧美剧
    《未来全明星 All American》(前名《Spencer meijubar.net》)根据现实美式足球员Spencer Paysinger的生活改篇,这部April Blair执笔的美式足球题材剧讲述一位崛起﹑中南部洛杉矶出身的美式足球员被招揽到比佛利山高校,而康普顿及比佛利山的两个家庭将因为球场上的胜负而产生各种碰撞。