搜索 Lobo

  • 恐怖片
      Christmas is supposed to be a time for peace and joyful family reunions. But when Matt and his wife Karen show up unannounced at the home of his estranged brother Steve to celebrate the holidays, they are instead greeted with a horrifying surprise: trapped in the basement is a man. But not just any man. Steve believes that his hostage is none other than the devil himself.
  • 战争片
  • 喜剧片
    对于安东尼(斯科特·麦克洛维茨 Scott Mechlowicz 饰)来说,成为一名成功的厨师是他的毕生志愿,怀揣着这个梦想,安东尼来到了南斯拉夫,准备在这里开一家小餐厅。没想到,不但餐厅没开成,安东...
  • 欧美剧
  • 欧美剧
    《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)于2003年12月8日在美国科幻频道上开播迷你剧 ,之后在2004年10月18日于英国Sky One电视频道上首播第1季。该剧目前已获得...